2023 IRS Disaster Relief

The IRS issues relief packages to areas that recently experienced natural disasters or events designated as disasters by the United States government. This blog post provides extension details and provides information on IRS legislature about filing tax returns in the wake of extreme weather or disaster incidents. Bookmark this post for updates!… Read more about 2023 IRS Disaster Relief (Feed generated with FetchRSS) – Story provided by TaxingSubjects.com…

IRS Imposes Moratorium on Improper Employee Retention Credit Claims Amid Rising Fraud Concerns

In response to a growing number of fraudulent cases, the IRS is addressing improper ERC claims to safeguard businesses. As a tax preparer, your vigilance can help protect your valued clients from scams and penalties. Read more on our latest post!… Read more about IRS Imposes Moratorium on Improper Employee Retention Credit Claims Amid Rising Fraud Concerns (Feed generated with FetchRSS) – Story provided by TaxingSubjects.com…

Contactless Tax Preparation – Here to Stay

Check out today’s blog! Matt Jagst, Drake Software Head of Product, shares his perspective on recent findings from a Drake Software survey of tax professionals. In this survey, tax professionals were asked to share their experience working with clients in an environment that continues to lean toward contactless services after the events of 2020 and a reliance on evolving technology. If you missed our survey, we would love to hear your thoughts in the chat below!… Read more about Contactless Tax Preparation – Here to Stay (Feed generated with FetchRSS) – Story provided by TaxingSubjects.com…

IRS Shifting Audit Focus Toward More High-Income Taxpayers

The IRS plans to move its audit spotlight from the working-class individual taxpayer to those engaged in high-income activities, partnerships, large corporations, and promoters pushing schemes that abuse the tax laws. All changes are meant, the IRS says, to help restore fairness in the American income tax system. Click on our new blog post for the latest tax news.… Read more about IRS Shifting Audit Focus Toward More High-Income Taxpayers (Feed generated with FetchRSS) – Story provided by TaxingSubjects.com…